EU mentorship program is a political mentorship in the area of EU integration process in the Western Balkans. This is our fourth podcast (listen to the previous ones if you haven’t already :)), first in 2021 and it is about European and Western Balkans relations.
Speakers: Teresa Reiter (journalist; Head of Communications at Forum Alpbach, Western Balkans, and political activism expert, Vienna) & Jasmina Mršo (project coordinator for the EU Mentorship project; policy developer and international officer of Naša stranka, B&H; Deputy Secretary General of LIBSEEN);
Moderator: our dear Andrew Burgess, Senior Political Advisor to ALDE.
This podcast is produced by European Liberal Forum (ELF) in collaboration with Fondacija Boris Divković (BDF) and D66 Internationaal/IDI Stichting with the financial support of the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content or for any use that be made of it.
#politics #EUMentorship #StoriesFromTheBalkans #FondacijaBorisDivkovic #BDF #ELF #ELFEvent #D66 #ALDE #EuropeanUnion #Balkan #WesternBalkans
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